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108 West Palisade Ave, Englewood, NJ
Services and referrals include:
Legal consultations, Victim Services, Shared Housing, Career Services, etc.
All services are free, low-cost, or subsidized for eligible clients.
Contact Us: (201) 568-1166
12 Overlook Ave., Rochelle Park, NJ
Dedicated to assisting Bergen County, NJ, victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children.
Administrative Office: (201) 498-9247
24 Hour Hotline: (201) 944-9600
175 S. Washington Ave. Bergenfield, NJ
Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.
Contact Us: (201) 385-3702
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